Options and Peripheral Equipment

Ionizer for Electronic Balance (Static Remover) STABLO-AP
Printer EP-100
Printer EP-110
RS-232C Cable 25P-9P (1.5 m)
USB-Serial Replacement Kit
Application Keyboard AKB-301
Windbreak Set *1
Windbreak Set (for large pan) *2
Glass Windbreak WBC-102
Large Size Windbreak WBC-502
In-Use Protective Cover (3 pcs) (For Large-Pan Models with 0.01 g Min. Display Value)
In-Use Protective Cover (5 pcs) (For Large-Pan Models with 0.1 g Min. Display Value)
In-Use Protective Cover (5 pcs) (For Small-Pan Model)
In-Use Protective Cover (5 pcs) (For Display and Key Part)
Animal Bucket Set (for Large Pan Models with 0.01 g Minimum Display Value)
Animal Bucket Set (for Large Pan Models with 0.1 g Minimum Display Value)
Specific Gravity Measurement Kit SMK-101A (For Large Pan Model) (Up to approximately 2kg for weighing capacity)
Specific Gravity Measurement Kit SMK-102 (For Small Pan Model)
Remote Display RDB-201
Remote Display RDB-202
Relay Output Interface IFB-RY1
RY1 Connection Cable
AC Adapter *3

*1 Included standard with small pan models with 0.001 g minimum display value.
*2 Included standard with large pan models with 0.01 g minimum display value.
*3 Included standard with main unit.

Gamme logiciel LabSolutions

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