Pyrolyzer Accessories

High molecular compounds are subjected to pyrolysis at temperatures of 500 °C or higher, and the obtained pyrolytic products are analysed with GCMS. These pyrolytic fragments reflect the structure of the original high molecular compounds. Accordingly, they enable the identification and higher order structural analysis of the polymers.

P/N Description  
961-01428 Disposable Eco-cup SF (50 µl) for manual sampling (100 pcs)
961-01429 Disposable Eco-cup LF (80 µl) for manual sampling and autosamplers (100 pcs)
980-20857 Disposable Eco-cup LF (80 µl) for manual sampling and autosamplers (400 pcs)
980-08161 Disposable Eco-cup side hole (80 µl) for UV samplers (20 pcs)  
980-09817 Auto-Rx Disc for LF Eco-cups (100 pcs) - prevents methylating reagents (e.g. TMAH) and some pulverulent samples from coming out of the sample cup
961-01432 Eco stick SF (30 mm) for manual sampling (50 pcs)
961-01433 Eco stick DF (80 mm) for manual sampling (50 pcs)
980-14192 Eco pick-up F (135 mm) for manual sampling (5 pcs)
980-08045 Quartz pyrolysis tube A3030
980-20916 Phthalate-free quartz wool for pyrolysis (5 bottles of 200 mg)  
951-10226 Graphite-vespel ferrule for the pyrolysis tube/interface (5 pcs) 951-10226
980-09588 Interface needle set (3 pcs)
221-42595-92 Trap assy packed with activated charcoal for solvents that melt resin, e.g. DMSO, THF 221-42595-92
980-13409 Septum surface treated for Shimadzu GCs (5 pcs)
980-13140 Performance evaluation standard sample - polystyrene 2.5 mg film, Methyl-stereate 5 w%
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