Base de données Smart Pesticides - Consommables

Base de données pour GC-MS et GC-MS/MS


Pretreatment Kit Q-sep® QuEChERS Sample Prep Packets & Tubes (Restek)*
Certified Standard Substances GC Multiresidue Pesticide Kit (Restek)
Column 1 SH-I-5Sil MS 30 m×0.25 mm I.D., df=0.25 mm (P/N 221-75954-30)
Column 2 SH-200MS 30 m×0.25 mm I.D., df=0.25 mm (P/N 221-75954-30)
Column 3 SH-I-5MS (30 m × 0.25 mm I.D., df = 0.25 mm), P/N 221-75940-30
Insert liner Topaz® 3.5 mm I.D. Single Taper Inlet Liner w/ Wool (P/N 23336, Restek)

*Note : For the recommended pretreatment protocol. contact Shimadzu 


This product was created based on results obtained by the Aichi Science and Technology Foundation "Knowledge Hub" Priority Research Project and Food Safety & Security Technology Development Project.

  • The accuracy of the information contained in the database and the usefulness of information obtained as a result of the use of this information is not guaranteed.
  • Be sure to test the qualitative and quantitative information obtained with this system using a standard sample for confirmation.
  • To reliably identify substances registered with this database, perform measurement using the system requirements of the method file included with the product.