Effective Evaluation of the Thermal Stability of Lithium-Ion Battery Materials (DSC)
Thermal Property Measurement System Offers Effective Evaluation of the Thermal Stability of Lithium-Ion Battery Materials
Lithium-ion batteries may overheat due to overcharging and, in the worst case, catch fire. To investigate their safety, the battery materials must be evaluated for thermal stability. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is effective for these measurements. As battery materials readily react with moisture and oxygen, DSC measurements are performed on materials after they have been sealed in a stainless-steel pressure-resistant cell inside the glove box.
This page introduces a system that uses accessories such as an extremely compact hydraulic press that can be easily operated in the glove box and presents some measurements made using the system.
Measured Data for Active Materials

Uncharged cathode active material and electrolyte solution were measured sealed inside a stainless-steel pressure-resistant cell. A small exothermic change is observed near 300°C.

Cathode active material from a charged battery and electrolyte solution were measured using a similar method. Charging makes the active material unstable, resulting in a large exothermic peak near 200°C due to decomposition.
Measured Data for Electrolyte Solution

The electrolyte solution was measured. A sharp exothermic peak can be observed near 300°C, probably due to decomposition.
Thermal Property Measurement System for Lithium-Ion Battery Materials

This system uses accessories such as an extremely compact hydraulic press that can be easily operated in the glove box.
The hydraulic press forces the sample into a stainless-steel pressure-resistant cell when the handle is turned. It is easy to operate, even inside the glove box.
TA-60WS Data Processor
The TA-60WS (PC set) system can be connected to up to four thermal analyzers, such as DSC, TG-DTA, or TMA. It offers smooth, easy operation from measurements to data analysis and report generation. (It supports multi-channels and multi-tasking.) OLE and ASCII conversion functions offer links to commercial software. (Windows XP/Vista/7 compatible.)
System Configuration
- DSC-60 Differential Scanning Calorimeter
- TA-60WS Data Processor (PC set)
- FC-60A Gas Flowmeter
- Hydraulic press (built to order)
- Jig for dedicated stainless-steel pressure-resistant cells (built to order)
- Stainless-steel pressure-resistant cells (set of 50)
For details about prices and delivery deadlines, contact your Shimadzu representative.