Improvement of measurement accuracy of biochemical analyzers

Optical Devices

Optical Devices Solution



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Customer’s situation

Customer’s situation

Inspection failure in measurement accuracy occurs frequently during assembly inspection of biochemical analysis equipment.
They found that it was a problem derived from the spectrometer and that replacing the concave grating would solve the problem.
Also, it turned out that some variation in the diffraction grating seems to have affected it.

* Les affiliés et les titres de la personne interrogée sont ceux leur appartenant au moment du reportage.

Learn more below.

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Advantages of Shimadzu products

Note: What affect the measurement accuracy of spectrometers?

In biochemistry, sample such as blood and reagents are analyzed by measuring the absorbance of a specific wavelength. If the wavelength you want to measure is mixed with another wavelength(,or stray light), accurate measurement will be affected adversely.  
It is thought that the "stray light" of the diffraction grating affects the measurement accuracy.

Advantage 1: Concave and toroidal gratings with extremely low stray light

Shimadzu grating are replicated from Master grating which grooves are formed by a holographic exposure method using two-laser-beam-interference technology. Grating with that groove fabricating method features extremely little stray light caused by periodic errors compared to ruled diffraction gratings.
In addition, Shimadzu has its own Laser Stray Light Measuring System and can also provide diffraction gratings with guaranteed stray light values.

Advantage 2: Just one optical element realize a spectrometer

For biochemical analyzers, concave grating* and toroidal grating* are ideal because they are easy to assemble and adjust.
In addition to the focusing function by their shape, they are designed so that the spectral plane is as flat as possible (aberration correction function). These functions are advantages for making spectrometer in that it is unnecessary to use an imaging element such as a concave mirror.
*Code number P0800-01/02, P0430-02, P0580-01(concave) and P0550-01TR/02TR(toroidal) are diffraction gratings ideal for biochemical analyzers.

Concave grating mounting for flat-field polychromator

Concave grating mounting for flat-field polychromator
The spectral image plane has been designed to be as flat as possible, and aberration characteristics have been carefully minimized.

Benefits by using Shimadzu products

As a result of adopting Shimadzu grating with low stray light, the failure in measurement accuracy of the biochemical analyzer were solved.
The needless of replace the grating also contributed to a reduction in work time and cost.

Customer’s feedback

We understood that the stray light of the diffraction grating affect the measurement accuracy.
After adopting of Shimadzu diffraction grating, the frequency of nonconformity has been reduced.